Saturday, March 3


She was the most gentle and yet,
the strongest woman I have ever known.
She could maintain a theme and hold it for days at a time,
with silence as her only weapon.
Her strength had been nurtured from a life of toil,
a hard life, that had become her closest of friends.
She could turn her old iron mangle with  just one arm,
but on occasions could just as easily rotate the atmosphere,
with nothing more than a single smile or whispered word.
Her name, was Grandma.

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Thank you for contacting Little Boy Lost

Poetry from Stoke On Trent. The various verses within this blog explore my changing reality and mood swings. Verses that meander around domestic violence, self harm and mania, then return to enjoy happier thoughts and emotions from my childhood and the local area and its fantastic history and heritage. This is truly subversive and thought provoking literature from the heart of England that will live with you forever.
